Identity: Branding Matters


Branding Matters

You need a bigger screen

Know how things in your rearview mirror appear closer than they seem? We're much more talented and impressive on devices bigger than your phone.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we'll bring our dog and pony show to you… and we'll spring for the coffee.

Ideas are dangerous things, neither pretty nor well-behaved.

Don’t go looking for one unless you are prepared to wrestle with everything strange, powerful, and life-altering.

And then, just as you work up the courage to go seeking some great ideas, you discover that you can’t find any.

who Uzied my muse?

Or worse, one of them comes after you like a demented stalker, grabs you by the hair and whirls you around the room until

did I say that?

There is nothing more wonderful than the face of someone who is in the grip of an outrageous idea trying to be born:

terror inexplicably mixed with bliss.

 From the Manifesto 

What We Do


We build beautiful logos but the process starts with logic, business questions, discussions of demographics and market space before a single line is drawn. Identities, colors and usage have to show relevance to an end audience and growth plans for every business. We're deadly serious about process for developing marks, including texturing and side-eye tests... you know you want to ask, go ahead.


What’s in a name? Well, great SEO, product/market differentiation, immediate recognition from clientele and suppliers, graphic symmetry (it has to look good too, right?) and stickiness. We’ve all been there; trying to remember that great business with a terrible name. Our partners at Cain Creative make this look much easier than it is and supply the foundation for great brands.


You have a spiffy new logo and now someone's nephew wants to do something special with it in Microsoft Paint. Consider your styleguide the DMV manual everyone has to read and test against before they get to drive… sure, you can break those rules, but at least then you’ll know why the irritable man with mirrored sunglasses and mustache is handing you that ticket.


The dark arts of branding help to clarify your messaging and flexibility of products and services in the marketplace. Decades of creative direction — particularly with services and consumers — help create distinction, differentiation and leadership. Also important to note, we play nicely and integrate with in-house public relations and marketing teams.