Electrons: Stuff that Buzzes


Stuff that Buzzes

You need a bigger screen

Know how things in your rearview mirror appear closer than they seem? We're much more talented and impressive on devices bigger than your phone.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we'll bring our dog and pony show to you… and we'll spring for the coffee.

It is outrageous of human beings to insist on filling the void with meaning, but we do.

Whenever we confront the void we have an overpowering urge to obliterate it. And what happens when we attempt to obliterate the void?

Stuff. Lots of great stuff.

Shimmering images composed of artfully arranged particles of light and shards of darkness.

New things never seen before. Old things in new disguises.

A collection of ideas and images that have never shared the same space until now.

Things previously hidden. Things so obvious that they should have been brought to light long ago.

So what’s our point?

Entertainment, elucidation, enlightenment, motivation, and the courage to consider things previously unconsidered should all be considered more often.

 From the Manifesto 

What We Do


Since 1993 we've built everything from microsites to full-blown web applications and teaching tools. What we do best involves wrapping business stories in concept and narrative, guiding users toward natural conclusions and hopefully infusing humor and personality along the way.


Video case studies to animation to longer conceptual pieces involving a full team; we're good at conveying ideas through electrons over time. The Consortium includes fantastic resources for handling video and motion at virtually any scale and we're happy to share specific, detailed examples.


For decades we've built DVD and CD presentations to educate, guide and entertain many audiences. But the best part is that the web has matured and we rarely resort to phyical media to move people along. Interactive projects and demos are where we got our start and we still enjoy forks on a digital path.

Odds & Ends

…and then there's work that defies description, but resulted in the weirdest, most fun we've had. We were born ready to work with real rocket scientists, animate a squid chasing clams down a beach, blast viewers through a book and into orbit, and celebrate Mozart's life through musical digital scribbles.