Creative wrapped around an analysts mind.
Everyone asks what Henry does (including his family) and it's easier to sum up what he doesn't. Very little.
Henry develops clean, intuitive logic with web applications, particularly when a client needs a shallow site that dynamically cross-references itself and related content. That may sound like gobbledegook, but makes tremendous sense after you find out that he studied dead languages and classics at Brown, and spent several summers (recreationally?) digging and sifting on archaeological sites in Israel.
He's the one clients love to gab with during a shoot — it's the dark sense of humor, balanced by references to classic literature. His contributions to FuJuCo projects run deep, and it turns out his skills go far beyond site building tools and databases; he's an accomplished illustrator, currently venturing into watercolors and wet media.
For reasons only known to him, Henry runs 50K races under extreme conditions; and when asked why, cryptically mutters something about cardio and zombies. His dog Zip understands, but Zip is a border collie, smarter than everyone in the room and stares disturbingly through humans in the room while practicing calculus.
Recreation now takes a back seat to wiping drool for the next couple of years though. Henry is asking the questions of every new father: Why doesn't the world recognize the beauty and exceptional talent of his brand new baby (the baby really IS that pretty), and how do I sleep in more than 60 minute intervals.